Thursday, August 26, 2010

So much time has passed since I last blogged that I've forgotten what's been going on... Got out of sync with the writing as had to return to England for 2 weeks.
Have been back in Kansas for three weeks now and we've been extraordinarily busy! "too blessed to be stressed" though, I quote from one of the police men on the Fort Leavenworth Post gate! Followed swiftly by "have a great day ma'am", which I fully intend to do! We have joined the FL Hunt, which involves signing up for the '8easy' which is getting to know your horse/riding lessons/hunting etiquette etc. It is brilliant. J has a horse called Tucker (the bucker) which doesn't bode well (though he's more like a comfy old armchair) and i'm on the Artful Dogder! J has taken to it like a duck to water, I on the other hand came flying off the other day having attempted a jump at a canter and landed very heavily on my ass! Still hobbling around three days later! Good to get the first fall out of the way I feel... hmmm?!? The first of many apparently on Dodger! J has bought a set of golf clubs and has been bullied into playing a competition - could be entertaining, he's not a natural golfer(according to him) though his driving is significantly better than mine as I almost took the nose off the lady teeing off next to me!
I'm settling well into my 'Internship' with Robin. We are having a wonderful time and she is teaching me so much - anyone need an interior designer? Watch this space.It's such fun spending someone else's money on lovely stuff!
We attended the Military Order of World Wars Ball in Kansas City a couple of weeks ago. Not a patch on our Military balls but great fun none the less and a very ecclectic mix of Internationals and Americans. Sooo many Canadians! Topped off with a drive thru McDonalds on the way home (where's the kebab van and cheeesie chips when you need them?). We've been BBQing with the Aussies, drinking wine with the Israelis (genuine Israeli wine!) and keeping it real with our fellow Brits!
Teaching of the International wives starts next week as does the quilting! So we're going to get busy and next weekend is Independence weekend which will see us off to The Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri for a drunken (sorry mum) time with our sponsors. Happy days!