Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am officially the WORST blogger in the history of blogging! I think I wanted to do this for people at home who might be interested(!?!?) and to keep a record of what we've been getting up to in this weird and wonderful world that is the United States.
But now this place feels like home. We've been here for seven and a half months and all those things that I thought would be funny to blog about have now become normal...! Despite the familiarity of it all I'm determined to try again, kind of like a new years resolution.
We are surrounded by a good 8 inches of snow at the moment and the place is looking rather beautiful. Today was bright with sunshine and blue skies, I just wished we were in a ski resort or that I had some langlauf skis! It's also really really cold so I think we'll be all white for a while!
The latest recruits have arrived and I spent yesterday persuading them to join our English class. There seem to be some very nice new Internationals, especially our Brits/Bavarians who have been staying for a few days while they get settled. I've also been getting some baby sitting practice in with Jasper (gorgeous 4 month old)!
Girlie cinema trip tomorrow night to see The King's Speech and to indulge in some Britishness! For now back to the fire side and a toasty hot chocolate! x