Thursday, June 10, 2010

Leaving TJMax the other day we were engulfed by extreme, humid, heavy heat and the sky was black. As we headed home the radio was alive with tornado warnings and things were getting a little fruity. Having supper with friends later that night we couldn't decide whether it was the margaritas taking effect or if the sky really had gone green. This is what happens when there is a tornado coming! The air was completely still, no birdsong, nothing... we waited... and waited... and thankfully no tornado came (by this time we had of course forgotten what we were waiting for!).

We have just driven off the forecourt and onto our drive way in our new SUV! Sadly not as big as the rental truck, but I think it will do! We also have a house full of stuff! Our container arrived yesterday and we spent a long time unpacking and trying to find homes for things. Pictures still to be hung and shoes to be stowed into my walk-in-closet, all in good time!

The tomatoes are all nicely potted in and the hibiscus is flowering!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eila and James, All sounds so exciting !! Have a wonderful time whilst you are away. Looking forward to seeing you very soon, Lots of love to you both, don't get too carried away in those fab american supermarkets !!!! xxxx
